A.B. Gamma Training

Multinewmedia is a passion of mine.  It's something I've put a lot of time into over the past several years.  From recording the podcast to working on this website as a hobby project, I've really enjoyed building the property.  Something was missing, however, in the sense that it always felt like Multinewmedia was going it alone.

Some other podcasts have corporate sponsors, and many beyond that pretend that they have corporate sponsors.  What I mean is that all of those podcast ads you hear for hosting sites, audio books, and email newsletter software are available to anyone.  You could start a podcast today and have most of those things as "sponsors" before the sun came up in the morning sky tomorrow.  Multinewmedia has accounts with a few of these services, and while we love and support the affiliate monetization model on the web, something about promoting these services that anyone can promote feels hollow to us.

A.B. Gamma is the official new sponsor of Multinewmedia

Enter A.B. Gamma.  It's a corporate training startup I've been working on since late 2017.  Now, just as generic affiliate promotions feel a bit hollow, the act of having one of my startups sponsor my established podcast feels a bit... well, weird.  But the synergy is absolutely undeniable.

Having worked in the capacity as a corporate trainer for coming up on a decade now (okay, okay, I'm still 18 months out from a decade as of the time of writing this), it's just natural that my business and technology podcast should be backed by my business and technical training outfit.  The sponsorship begins online at multinewmedia.com immediately, and will begin on the podcast beginning around episode 100.

Through A.B. Gamma, I currently offer three training courses:  Hosting Websites with Amazon Lightsail, Social Media Strategies, and Excel Crash Course: Lookup Functions.  These courses, as well as those that are yet to come, will be featured prominently on Multinewmedia and receive their own "Learn" tab on the website's menu.  Multinewmedia listeners and readers will receive early access to select courses at launch, the largest discounts (without having to wait for sales!), lifetime access to all courses, and opportunities to win free access to courses.

To learn more about A.B. Gamma and see the course availability, as well as special Multinewmedia pricing, visit https://multinewmedia.com/learn.


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